Jens Krumm, Vorstand +Pluswerk
Jens Krumm

CEO of +Pluswerk and Digital Entrepreneur

The TYPO3 Camp Central Germany 2024 took place from 14 to 16 March in Dresden and was sold out with over 250 participants. The barcamp, supported by +Pluswerk as a gold sponsor, offered a wide range of sessions, especially on AI and digital accessibility. The three best sessions were honoured at the end of the camp.

The sixth TYPO3 Camp Central Germany (T3CMD) took place on the premises of the German Hygiene Museum Dresden, which provided an ideal setting with a large main hall and several smaller session rooms. The +Pluswerk was represented on site by numerous employees from the nearby Magdeburg and Dresden locations. The Dresden site Davitec was also one of three organisers of the T3CMD together with fucodo GmbH and TRITUM GmbH. 

The classic barcamp, which is one of the largest TYPO3 events of its kind, brings together TYPO3 developers, designers, administrators and editors from all over Germany to discuss current topics, technologies, news and best practices. The modern location in the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden offered the ideal setting for this with a large hall and several smaller session rooms and lounges.

Even before T3CMD began, we took part in the second TYPO3 Partner Round Table of the year at the start of the event week. TYPO3 Partner Round Table this year in Dresden. The personal exchange with the extended TYPO3 GmbH team and the current topic of "Green IT", which was the focus of the round table, made participation in this "round table" a valuable appointment. Many thanks to Telekom MMS Dresden, which acted as host this time.

+Pluswerk managing director and more at the TYPO3 Camp Central Germany 2024
The extended +Pluswerk crew in Dresden: Rico Schüppel from +Pluswerk Dresden Davitec, Markus Buff from +Pluswerk Magdeburg, +Pluswerk CEO Jens Krumm, Luisa Sofie Faßbender from TYPO3 and Carlos Meyer also from Davitec.
Over 50 Sessions
Over 250 Visitors
Up-to-date Topics

Networking and knowledge transfer

The T3CMD itself began with the first of two social events: a relaxed get-together with hot and cold drinks on Thursday evening at the alternative cultural venue "Die 100". After the evening before, the actual barcamp started punctually at 9am with a hearty and caffeinated breakfast before the welcome and session planning continued.

The sessions showed the wide range of the TYPO3 world and covered topics such as the migration of shop platforms to TYPO3 environments, the use of AI and the implementation of headless CMS through to advanced TYPO3 Rest API applications. All sessions on AI topics and digital accessibility, which will be mandatory for practically all major website operators from 2025 with the introduction of the German Accessibility Act (BFSG), were particularly well received (see also our article "Accessibility as a competitive advantage").

Another major topic that ran through several sessions was the question of sales and marketing content for TYPO3 as a CMS in competition. What arguments does TYPO3 have to assert itself against supposedly cheaper or more feature-rich competitors? We know that there are many, but especially for people on the "sales front" these arguments can be presented in an even more compact and understandable way in order to stand up to prejudices and half-knowledge about TYPO3.

Marketing and award-winning sessions

After the first day of the event ended with a party in the Kunsthalle im Kraftwerk Mitte in Dresden, Saturday started again with an extensive session programme. Several sessions dealt with the collaboration of TYPO3 with other systems (e.g. "Importing Wordpress posts into TYPO3") as well as with numbers: KPIs, OKRs, story points and more. 

Luisa Faßbender from TYPO3 GmbH concluded the content with her session "Sales Enablement". In it, she presented the results of a survey conducted within the TYPO3 community at the end of 2023, which showed the issues TYPO3 providers are currently facing in marketing and sales. The camp itself ended with an award ceremony for the three sessions that were rated best by the participants on site - a great recognition of the community's commitment.

We at +Pluswerk are very satisfied with the T3CMD. As a digital solution provider with more than 20 years of experience, 160 digital experts and over 1,000 satisfied customers, we offer the complete range of services from consulting, design and implementation of TYPO3 solutions from a single source. And we are regularly recognised for this, most recently in early 2024 with the "German Design Award" for the TYPO3-based relaunch of the online presence of the Verband Region Stuttgart.

Open in LightboxThe winners of the "Best Session 2024" on stage at the TYPO3 Camp Central Germany
Finally, the three best sessions were awarded prizes by Kay Strobach (left) and +Pluswerk CEO Jens Krumm (right). Congratulations to the winners.

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