We take care of the updates of your TYPO3 installation

As Digital Specialists with decades of experience in TYPO3, we know the complexities and challenges of TYPO3 updates. You want to upgrade from older major releases like versions 6,7,8 and 9 to a current LTS release? We transfer existing installations professionally and reliably to the next generation.

Advantages of a TYPO3 Update

Hackers are reluctant to cut their teeth on TYPO3. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most secure open source CMS solutions. However, the highest level of security is only guaranteed with an up-to-date installation. A current version also makes future updates easier - if several versions are "skipped", this often leads to compatibility problems between the base system and extensions. 

An up-to-date installation also offers many advantages in the area of online marketing and social media management. Starting with version 9, the most important SEO optimizations for Google can be carried out without extra extensions. Also, the handover of TYPO3 website content to social media is constantly being developed further - so your content always looks good, even if it is shared on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Co.

All necessary services from a single source

With a TYPO3 update you offer hackers less attack surfaces, ensure that your web presence works as desired and improve your online marketing. We support you in all important aspects: 

  • Updating your installation to the latest TYPO3 major version
  • Updates of all extensions present in your installation
  • Individual code adaptations by our experienced programmers
  • Ensuring full functionality as in the original system
  • Ongoing software support and installation of TYPO3 minor updates
  • Compliance with all DSGVO and data protection regulations during your update

Migration and relaunch

As an experienced digital agency, we also handle the migration and relaunch of TYPO3 installations. We migrate your web presence to a new server while ensuring full functionality. And if you would like to completely relaunch your corporate website, our 160 employees with concentrated expertise will be happy to assist you. 

Consultation and coordination

At the start of the project, we analyze your complete TYPO3 infrastructure for compatibility with the new major version. Based on this, you will receive our offer regarding the necessary update of your TYPO3 core, extensions and also your hosting environment.

Our experienced developers will advise you on the implementation - from migration to complete redevelopment for the latest platform. Then, in coordination with your IT, we routinely support you with our expertise in implementing the update. This saves you time, budget - and nerves.


  • +Pluswerk is a proud Platinum Member of the TYPO3 Association
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