We implemented a new website and a new online store for a medium-sized B2B retail client.

We linked three different digital systems with each other in order to offer users a seamless user experience

All good things come in threes: A successful online store with TYPO3, Shopware and Abas ERP

Representation of a shopping cart icon hovering over a smartphone
At the end of the day, the decisive factor for a successful online store is the experience of one person: the user who orders something.

Our customer has a product portfolio of several thousand items in different variants. All items that are stored centrally in the Abas ERP merchandise management software were to be available in the new online store. This presented us with two particular challenges during the project:

  1. The new online store should display individual prices for each registered user. The company wanted to increase its turnover and reduce its costs through the underlying automation in online sales.
  2. The online store has to merge three existing systems: the website, which uses the TYPO3 CMS, the merchandise management system based on the Abas ERP and the online store based on Shopware, which is the front end for users.

More than the sum of its parts

In the course of the implementation, we started by integrating the Shopware software into our customer's Abas ERP. To do this, we used the established "Abas Connect" tool as part of the Abas software package. As an independent platform, the Abas Connector enables the exchange of data between different systems.

Abas Connect is extremely versatile: the system synchronizes user and login data, displays individual customer prices and links a Shopware shopping cart with the currently available products. Abas Connect thus enables professional use of Shopware online stores for B2B and B2C stores.

In the B2B area, Shopware also offers the "B2B Suite", an integrated option for equipping an online store with the most important B2B functions. These include, for example, budgets and quotas, order lists and quick orders, all of which we implemented for our customer.

In order to achieve the set goals, we first supported our customer in making some specific adjustments to their existing data structure. The communication between the customer, Abas ERP and us as a digital agency focused primarily on security aspects.

Thanks to the extensive experience of our e-commerce specialists in working with the Abas Connector and a direct line to the Abas developers, the actual implementation went quickly and smoothly.

Success through marketing and good performance

To monitor the success of the new website and online store, we accompanied the relaunch with targeted online marketing measures. Online marketing begins with an SEO-adapted website/online store and continues with Google Ads and content marketing through to social media marketing. We are convinced that only the combination of the right measures at the right time can optimally reach customers.

In addition to marketing, we also placed particular emphasis on optimizing the store's performance. A fast-loading online store is of great importance for both search engine optimization (SEO) and usability. In the combination of consulting, conceptual design and implementation, we were able to make optimal use of our strengths in the combination of technical expertise and usability optimization.
